Learn stock market very simple way
Share Tradee Point is the best stock market institute that provides the most simplified and to-the-point stock market course from the scratch for beginners.
SEBI Certified
Premium Academy
ISO 9001:2015
+8 Year's
Popular Courses
Fundamental, Technical and Option all stock market related basic to advance all sessions are available.
We are proud
Our courses are instructed by highly qualified and professional instructor who hold NISM and NSE certificate.
Our trainer
Manoj Dutta, he is a Certified Option Trader from NCFM ( NSE Academy Certification in Financial Markets ) and Certified Research analyst from NISM (National Institute of Securities Markets -An Educational Initiative by SEBI ).

Students Feedback
sir is true gem.. his trading clearity,concepts,strategy ,evaluation of market all are 100/100 mark.. happy to be part of this course it added so much comfort to my trading and now can wisely trade commodity and currenccy too..
excellent session taken by MANOJ SIR ,Crisp and clear from basic to advance.
Very imformative course, the faculty was excellent. I have zero knowledge about harmonic pattern but after doing this course i have good knowledge and my trading become batter than before Dinesh sir explained its in very simple way so any one can understand easily.
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